MGP Plus - Growth Promotion + Substrate Vitality
MGP Plus is the world's first Mushroom Growth Promoter that increases yields while simultaneously decreasing the negative effects of Trichoderma Hazardium on mushroom production. Packed full of 10 micro-organisms, this blend ensures your substrate is optimally positioned to produce beautiful fruiting while extending the life of your "cake."
TrichEVICT is a great choice for those who have moderately frequent contamination issues. The Bacillus micro-organism that protects from Trichoderma incursion, does so through a bio-film that takes around 8 days to fully form. It is important, therefore, that this treatment be utilized first when "spawning to bulk."
Directions for use: Add 2 grams of trichEVICT to a 1L sprayer bottle. Store bottle in cool areas, out of direct sunlight. Use the contents of the bottle within 6 months for best results. Mist substrate when mixing spawn and bulk substrate material, and then mix it in. At a minimum, 8-10 sprays should be utilized per 400G of bulk substrate material.
Alternative dry use: To use dry, add 1G to the substrate and mix in